
Retreats for leadership teams who want to re-imagine a collective sense of purpose

With all the uncertainty, conflicts and one crisis after another going on in the world today, it’s not surprising that we find ourselves in a state of disconnect, fear, confusion and disbelief. We sense that we cannot return to “business as usual”, but lack the insights and tools that would allow us to open ourselves to new solutions for many of the problems we are facing.

Years of focus on short-term results (i.e. profit over purpose, processes over people, lack of systems thinking) have led to record rates of employee burnout, unprecedented numbers of people leaving their jobs (i.e. The Great Resignation), and disillusion that true, lasting change can even be possible.

It's becoming more and more clear that’s what being asked of us as leaders is to:

  1. take the time to understand the hidden dynamics, agreements and behaviours that are preventing us from embracing change

  2. create space by letting go of what is no longer needed

  3. generate new insights and tools to help us deal with the issues and uncertainty that we are facing

  4. reconnect with our sense of curiosity, creativity and imagination to work towards building a sustainable future that's inclusive and inspiring

What is re:imagine?

With more and more teams working remotely, periodic leadership gatherings or off-sites where the team meets in-person, play a crucial role in the company’s success. Re:imagine is a 3-5 day retreat for leadership teams designed as a gathering to help you and your team re-connect to your deep-seeded purpose and align on your shared vision of the future. This is achieved through an embodied and multisensory journey of exploration, learning (and un-learning), healing, playing and re-imagining a future full of possibilities that weren't available to you before. Each program is bespoke and co-created with you to ensure we address the specific challenges you are facing in your company using our own creative methods.

We need leaders who recognize the harm being done, to people and planet … leaders who put service over self, stand steadfast in crises and failures, and who display unshakable faith that people can be generous, creative, and kind.
— Margaret Wheatley

Who is it for?

re:imagine is for leadership teams who are seeking to:

-clarify their purpose, vision & mission

-build a more unified company culture

-align on new ways of working together

-co-create future scenarios

-resolve a specific organizational challenge

Mostly, it's for people who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones in order to create space for new possibilities.

Our Approach

The re:imagine multisensory approach includes a selection of experiences that work with each of our three centres of intelligence:

MIND - visioning, neurohacking, storytelling, role-playing, deep listening & enquiry, coaching

- nature walks, yoga, breath work, play, dance, improv, cooking

EMOTIONS - journaling, meditating, art, music, sound baths, system constellations

*Please note: we bring in expert external practitioners as needed

Get in Touch

If you’re interested in organising a re:imagine retreat for your leadership team, and would like more information, please fill in your contact details below and we will be in touch.